Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cats and Alpaca

I have a lot of affection for both cats and alpaca. I have personally met only a few alpaca but have been impressed.

This 1st shows the cheddarhead eating in my lap. I have broken the rules of taming a feral cat by picking him up and forcing him to eat in my lap. This is clearlyas you can see in this photo sheer torture! I have an alpaca shawl in my lap which protects my knees from his claws which he tend to dig into my knees no matter how many times I tell the Cheddarhead to stop. I made the shawl from storebought yarn.
This second images shows Abe wrapped up in a small suri shawl which I made from raw fleece. Yes, I carded, spun and knitted this all myself. The alpaca that provides the fleece is named Nikki and lived in Ohio. Perhaps s/he stills live there. I just know that the bag of fleece had Nikki written on it.
Believe it or not Abe likes being wrapped up in soft things. Sometimes he gets cold.
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