Monday, September 28, 2009

Snake Scarf

We begin this post with Abe posing with a lock frim Zinn. Zinn produced an all fawn fleece that is cottier than alpaca generally is with very lovely LONG locks. I believe this is ideal for doll hair but imagine they will gum up my carder a little. I understand that industrial carders do not work with locks longer than 4 inches. Is this lock softer than Abe? Not quite but it's pretty close. I have met a few cats with fur less soft than this, like perhaps a certain feral cat, but Abe is just very soft.
This scarf came from Nikita's fleece which is fawn and beige. Hers is the 1st suri fleece I have worked with. This scarf is also shownbraided I thought I'd post a better picture because of all my hand painted experiments this one is the most successful.

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